Digital innovation powered by web3

Doors3 stories - Interview with Karen Jouve

Written by Doors3 | Jul 9, 2024 7:38:16 AM

In this interview, Karen Jouve, CEO of Doors3, shares how the company is dedicated to pioneering the future of the Web by opening new doors for brands and organizations through strategic advisory, tech development, and creative marketing.

Doors3: Opening the Doors to Web3

Welcome to the era of Web3, where innovation and technology are redefining how we interact online. At Doors3, we are committed to opening the doors to this new world for our clients. As the CEO and co-founder of Doors3, I am excited to share our vision and ambitions for the future of the Web.

Why Doors3?

The story of Doors3 is a beautiful adventure shared with my co-founders, Guillaume and Julien. Our initial vision was to prepare for the future and work on the future of the Web. We chose the name "Doors3" to represent this idea of openness. If the current Web is filled with "windows," we believe that Web3 will be marked by "doors." These doors symbolize new opportunities and experiences that we want to offer our clients.

Doors3’s Missions?

Today, Doors3 is the trusted partner for brands and organizations looking to participate in this digital revolution. Our mission is to set the future in motion through three main pillars:

1. Strategic Advisory: We help our clients craft a bold vision and navigate the complex world of Web3.
2. Tech Development: We provide innovative technological solutions, leveraging blockchain, the metaverse, AI, and gaming.
3. Creative and Marketing Studio: We create impactful marketing campaigns and immersive experiences to engage our clients' audiences.

Doors3 in 10 Years?

When I think about the future of Doors3, I see "doors to the moon." We are convinced that we are entering a new era of the Web, where Doors3 will play a major role not only in France but also internationally. We have the potential to become a key player in this digital revolution.


At Doors3, we are passionate about building the future of the Web. By opening these new doors, we invite organizations and their leaders to join us on this exciting journey. Together, let's shape a bold and innovative digital world.